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Mock SOQL results in Unit Tests.

Mock Single Record

Set mocking ID in Query declaration.

public with sharing class ExampleController {

public static List<Account> getAccountByName(String accountName) {
return AccountSelector.query()

Pass single SObject record to SOQL class, and use mock ID to target query to be mocked.

public class ExampleControllerTest {
private static final String TEST_ACCOUNT_NAME = 'MyAccount 1';

static void getAccountByName() {
SOQL.setMock('ExampleController.getAccountByName', new Account(Name = TEST_ACCOUNT_NAME));

Account result = (Account) ExampleController.getAccountByName(TEST_ACCOUNT_NAME);

Assert.areEqual(TEST_ACCOUNT_NAME, result.Name);

During execution Selector will return record that was set by .setMock method.

Mock Multiple Records

Set mocking ID in Query declaration.

public with sharing class ExampleController {

public static List<Account> getPartnerAccounts(String accountName) {
return AccountSelector.query()

Pass List of SObject records to SOQL class, and use mock ID to target query to be mocked.

public class ExampleControllerTest {

static void getPartnerAccounts() {
List<Account> accounts = new List<Account>{
new Account(Name = 'MyAccount 1'),
new Account(Name = 'MyAccount 2')

SOQL.setMock('ExampleController.getPartnerAccounts', accounts);

List<Account> result = ExampleController.getPartnerAccounts('MyAccount');

Assert.areEqual(accounts, result);

During execution Selector will return List of records that was set by .setMock method.

Mock Count Result

Set mocking ID in Query declaration.

public with sharing class ExampleController {

public static List<Account> getPartnerAccountsCount(String accountName) {
return AccountSelector.query()

Pass Integer value to SOQL class, and use mock ID to target query to be mocked.

public class ExampleControllerTest {
private static final Integer TEST_VALUE = 5;

static void getPartnerAccountsCount() {
SOQL.setMock('ExampleController.getPartnerAccountsCount', TEST_VALUE);

Integer result = ExampleController.getPartnerAccounts('MyAccount');

Assert.areEqual(TEST_VALUE, result);

During execution Selector will return Integer count that was set by .setMock method.

Mock with Static Resource

Set mocking ID in Query declaration.

public with sharing class ExampleController {

public static List<Account> getPartnerAccounts(String accountName) {
return AccountSelector.query()

Pass String value with name of Static Resource file with .csv records, and use mock ID to target query to be mocked.

public class ExampleControllerTest {

static void getPartnerAccounts() {
SOQL.setMock('ExampleController.getPartnerAccounts', 'MyAccounts');

List<Account> result = ExampleController.getPartnerAccounts('MyAccount');


During execution Selector will return records from Static Resource that was set by .setMock method.